Prayer for Tibet • Eifel Spring 2008

This short teaching was given by James Low towards the end of the retreat at Kamalashila Institute in the Eifel during April 2008. At that time there were uprisings and suppressions reported in Tibet. It was transcribed by Jo Féat and edited by Barbara Terris. Download the prayer

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Keep it simple: dzogchen in daily life. Brighton, May 2007

Because our life is nothing but moments, events, arising and passing, arising and passing. All that we’ve ever done is gone. Our childhood is gone. We can remember it, we can tell stories about it, but it’s gone. Even our breakfast is gone. Everything is gone. If we really see that, then when we tell people about ourselves, about our past, we’re just inviting them to fall asleep with us. We’re saying, ‘I had a lovely dream, let me share it with you. You can fall asleep in my dream for a while and then, because I believe in reciprocity, I’ll fall asleep in yours.’

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Calm and clear. Freiburg, 2006.

When things are calm it is easy to disturb them. When things are clear it is easy to dirty them, to make them lose their clarity. On an ordinary level calmness and clarity are very vulnerable states. This is because of the very nature of our existence. From a traditional buddhist point of view the functioning basis of our existence, of how we operate as human beings, is to be caught up in an experience of duality: looking inside we experience ‘ourselves’, and looking outside we experience ‘things’ which are other. But of course, it is not quite as simple as that.

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Dying and the deathless. Bristol, 2006

Talk delivered  by James Low at a Conference on Death and Dying organized by Bristol Chan Group and Western Chan Fellowship, February 2006 Transcribed and edited by Wendy Chozom Download as PDF Excerpts Where we go wrong in this experience of dying is to imagine that things are happening to us rather than accepting everything, both subject and object, as my […]

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Cognitive analytic therapy. Article, 2006

Handbook of counselling and psychotherapy. 2nd ed. London: Sage Publications, 2006. ISBN 1-4129-0275-4 Part 5, p. 317 – 322 Download as PDF Extract: Cognitive Analytic Therapy (widely known as CAT) was developed by Anthony Ryle in the 1980s while he was Consultant Psychotherapist at the United Medical and Dental Schools of Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospitals in London. This approach […]

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