The Two truths: a dzogchen view. Frankfurt, 1995

James Low Frankfurt, March 1995 Download PDF The Paradoxical Double-Move of Tantra The Teacher Student Relationship The Two Truths: Relative Truth and Absolute Truth Finding what is a good fit for you Pure Relative Truth Deconstructing our assumptions Impure Relative Truth: seeing things as real and attachment to them Dzogchen and the Two Truths Thoughts arising in Shamatha meditation Thoughts […]

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Space, energy and imagination. Eifel, Spring, 2012

James Low Eifel Retreat, Germany, 12-15 April 2012 Transcribed by Anne Conn. Edited by Barbara Terris James’ poem “How to be Naked” was put to music and sung by the group at the end. Download PDF When you see images of the buddhas, their bodies are translucent. You can see right through them. That means ‘no secrets’. They’re not hiding their mobile phones […]

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Heart Sutra. Cologne, 1994

James Low. 12-13 March 1994 Download PDF “The instigation for the sutra comes from the Buddha who, in his meditation goes to Sariputra, prompting him to ask a question of Chenrezig. Chenrezig in turn is in his meditation as he replies to the questions. In this way the Buddha stimulates Sariputra to ask a question of Chenrezig, so the teaching […]

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What is love? Interview, 2012

James Low interviewed by Guido Ferrari when he was in Milan giving a public talk, 9th November 2012 Transcribed by Taisha Lohinger Download the transcription in English Download the transcript in Turkish The interview can be watched here.

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Death and Dying, Eifel 2013

Life and death – all the modalities of existence are embedded within the great open space of our awareness which is ungraspable and ever-present. If you try to grasp it you’ll never find anything. If you open to it and relax into it, it’s always there. This is the liberation from the duality of life and death.

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Death and Dying, Eifel 2013

Life and death – all the modalities of existence are embedded within the great open space of our awareness which is ungraspable and ever-present. If you try to grasp it you’ll never find anything. If you open to it and relax into it, it’s always there. This is the liberation from the duality of life and death.

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