How you see is what you see

James Low, 23 April 2020 It begins: Mum sends you, age 7, to the market to buy oranges, only oranges, and “don’t buy anything else!” The women with the fruit and vegetable stalls want to sell you what they have,  “Look” they say, “what lovely bananas and the grapes, Oh, such lovely grapes – and these pears are so amazing.”

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Geführte Meditation für Menschen in pflegerischen Berufen. German version.

5/4/20 Auf Wunsch von Giovanna Santoro von der Associatione Mudita in Mailand hat James Low Audioaufnahmen von zwei kurzen geführten Meditationen gemacht, um Stress abzubauen und Stille und Bewegung zu integrieren. Diese wurden für Menschen konzipiert, die in Pflegeberufen arbeiten. Sie können sie vielleicht nur für kurze Zeit üben, weil sie gerade sehr viel zu tun haben. Jede Meditation dauert […]

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Illusion, Delusion and Confusion. 3 days, London, 2020

New Transcript: The evening talk and the weekend teachings in London on “Illusion Delusion and Confusion” for the Shang Shung Institute. “If you awaken to your own mind, in that moment all the tensions release. The negative impulses release and you are able to connect, because it’s there from the beginning. It’s not done by you. None of us are doing by ourselves; we are the blossom, the breath of the Buddha. That’s all. Alive in this form for a while, dissolving and changing. We are not things. We are light and colour and shape and beauty. So, in this way hopefully we continue. ” Uploaded 5/9/23

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