Repelling all troubles. The Dokpa practice text

New Translation: En particular, podemos recitar los siguientes textos breves para avivar nuestra comprensión del Dharma y utilizar el poder de la no-dualidad expuesto en el Sutra del Corazón para repeler los engaños dualistas del agresor. Translated into Spanish by Isabel Defez. Uploaded 15 02 2023

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A Prayer for Peace

Translations: This prayer for peace has moved individuals to come forward with translations in Dutch, German, Hindi, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Turkish.

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Face to face

Facing the mystery of the face.  Face to Face Facing your face, receiving infinity, You are ceaselessly revealing As each moment of revelation unravels effortlessly Receiving this I am slipped free of the fetter of agency And find myself within unbounded revelation: You and I safely beyond our habitual assimilation into Concepts we have about each other Too vast and […]

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