A Brief Exposition of Mahamudra by Maitripa

This is the first of two texts of mahamudra (Phyag-rGya Chen-Po), the great openness. It was composed by the famous Indian yogi Maitripa and transmitted directly to Marpa who gave it to his disciple Milarepa. Translated by James Low and commented by him in East Sussex, 2021, Bremen 2012, Geneva, 2019, Freiburg, 2018. Read the text in English here. This […]

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XR Buddhists

The XR Buddhists group, a subgroup of Extinction rebellion, asked James to write a prayer and he was happy to do that since he supports their active initiatives in response to climate and ecological emergencies. Prayer All compounded things are impermanent and arise due to the interplay of many factors. Like a wave emerging from the ocean, forms are here […]

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The Aspiration for Pure Discernment. A prayer by Dudjom Rinpoche, Jigtral Yeshe Dorje

This short text is by Dudjom Rinpoche who was held by the Nyingmapa in general to be their greatest scholar and the greatest meditator. He wrote and taught on many different approaches to practice. When we approach the text I think it’s probably useful to start at the very end, at the colophon, because it gives us the background story. I was fortunate to translate this text with his guidance, and he also told me this story which is given at the end of the text.

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