Refuge and Bodhisattva vows

These are the texts used for taking the refuge and bodhisattva vows. English text for taking vows A refuge prayer: Sang Gye Cho Dang German text for taking vows A refuge prayer: Sang Gye Cho Dang. In German Polish text for taking vows Português text for taking vows Russian text for taking vows Spanish text for taking vows

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Aspiring for the Truth of Mahamudra. Prayer by Rangjung Dorje, the 3rd Karmapa

James Low gave a weekend of Zoom teachings on this prayer on 3-4 Dec 2022. For the teaching the prayer was translated into Portuguese and Polish since his book Sweet Simplicity has not been translated into these languages. This prayer is Section 3 of the book Sweet Simplicity. Robert Jaroslawski has translated Sweet Simplicity into German as Einfach so… (Khampa Verlag Freiburg und Eckernförd, […]

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Repelling all troubles. The Dokpa practice text

New Translation: En particular, podemos recitar los siguientes textos breves para avivar nuestra comprensión del Dharma y utilizar el poder de la no-dualidad expuesto en el Sutra del Corazón para repeler los engaños dualistas del agresor. Translated into Spanish by Isabel Defez. Uploaded 15 02 2023

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Praying for Peace

New Translation: The latest translation of James’ Prayer for Peace is in Italian, Preghiera per la Pace, translated by Francesca. Uploaded 05 05 2024. It is now translated by SBSangha into Dutch, German, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese Russian, Spanish and Turkish.

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A Prayer for Peace

Translations: This prayer for peace has moved individuals to come forward with translations in Dutch, German, Hindi, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Turkish.

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Prayer. Homage to Chenrezi

Hri. Looking with great kindness on all beings who wander in the six realms of samsara,
you hold all sentient beings in mind with your love and compassion. Father who gives
rise to all the buddhas of the three times, Arya Chenrezi we bow to you!

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