Introducing the Padmasambhava Practice. Extracted from The Happy Twins, Eifel 2019

James Low

Extract taken from ‘The Happy Twins: Dzogchen and Mahamudra.’ Autumn Retreat in the Eifel, 2019 James Low

The retreat focussed on two texts: The Mirror of Luminous Revelation, a terma text from Nuden Dorje Drophan Lingpa and The Mahamudra Middle Way of the Ganges spoken by Tilopa to Naropa. It also focused on how to respond, as Buddhists, to climate change and other world crises.

Transcribed by Jo Feat

Edited by Barbara Terris

…The function of the Padmasambhava practice is to give us the opportunity to see how the creativity of the mind emerges from emptiness and takes on different formations, and through realising that, we realise everything is the mandala of the buddha. The term ‘mandala’ used in this sense, means that everything is the field, or the world, or the pure land of the buddha, which is another way of saying that it has the nature of emptiness.


Read the full 16 page transcript here.

Listen to the whole retreat here.

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