Dharma ecology. 2023

Dharma ecology. James Low June 2023 If ‘the self’ is following the path then the journey is long and it requires great vigilance and determination to tame and cultivate the happenstance of the mind. If our actual freedom — the openness of the ground — is opened to then the unchanging ever-changing here and now requires no cultivation. Read and […]

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Brazilian Group

Here is a message from Mario Cesar with an update from João Vale Neto. Contact Mario at linsfilho [dot] mc [at] gmail [dot] com to find out more. The Brazilian group is meeting daily to do the Seven Line Prayer practice, from 6-7 am (Brazil Time). We’ll be meeting at this time indefinitely until all the Ngondro material is translated, […]

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How can I tell when…?

Q.  How can I tell when new videos are added to James’ Youtube channel?   This is what I asked Pedro. And he replied: A.  While connected to your YouTube account, subscribe to James page and activate this little ring bell (top right)  to receive notifications about new published videos.

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A Prayer for Peace

Translations: This prayer for peace has moved individuals to come forward with translations in Dutch, German, Hindi, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Turkish.

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Listen to the Dhammapada

The first section of James’ book Finding Freedom, includes his translation of the Dhammapada, and commentary. Wendy has been inspired to read and record this and make it available for us. If you visit her website you’ll find the introduction which James has written for the recordings along with what Wendy has written. NEW: These audio-recordings from Finding Freedom now […]

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This Is it: Revealing The Great Completion

James Low. (Simply Being, 2021) ISBN 978-0956923974 “The texts in This Is It were all translated while I was living with CR Lama in Santiniketan, West Bengal. It has taken over forty years for many of them to see the light of day. During that time they have been revised and refined and now is the time to make them […]

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Earth Healing Group

Here is a picture of the latest pot to be buried. They are spread so far from Mozambique to Germany to Brazil… If you would like to know more and be part of this, wherever you are in our fragile planet, please send an email.

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