Extracts from the Happy Twins retreat in the Eifel 2019

This 9 day retreat was transcribed by Jo Feat. Barbara Terris pulled out and prepared various extracts which have been checked by Judith Way.

You can read each extract by clicking on the links below.

Clear Light

Climate Change


Dana, Generosity, Participating

Drenpa, Recollection

Introducing the Padmasambhava Practice

Meditation Advice

Only Surface


Shine and Vipassana

Simply Looking

Three Aa Practice

Three Lineage Transmissions

You can listen to the whole 9 day retreat by clicking here.

‘Happy Twins’ refers to dzogchen and mahamudra which are harmoniously complementary.  During the retreat James gave commentaries on two texts, the Mirror of Luminous Revelation, a dzogchen treasure text from Nuden Dorje Drophen Lingpa Drolo Tsal, and the Mahamudra Upadesha by Tilopa spoken to Saraha.
The text of the whole retreat is being prepared to be brought out as a book.


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