Your Mind is Mahamudra. Zoom Talk hosted by Tibethaus, Nov 2024

FRIDAY 8th. NOVEMBER 2024 Your Mind is Mahamudra! Zoom-Teaching | James Low We are used to thinking about things and trying to work out what is going on. This is how we have been educated. However Mahamudra points to the intrinsic capacity of our mind to instantly and intuitively respond to whatever occurs without entering into dualistic thought production. We will explore […]

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Awareness – The Hidden Jewel that is not Hidden. Berlin, Oct 2024

Awareness – The Hidden Jewel that is not Hidden James will be in Berlin teaching on the Dzogchen View from 10-13 October 2024. Please contact the organisers, Anne Gäbler at Yontan [at] gmx [dot] net and Olaf Brockmann at info [dot] khordong [at] gmail [dot] com for details. Thursday 10/10/2024 |19:00 – 20:30 Friday 11/10/2024 |10:00 – 13:00 Friday 11/10/2024 |15:00 – 18:00 Saturday […]

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The Practice of Meditation. Teaching Retreat, Berghof, 2024

The Practice of Meditation. This 9 day Retreat will focus on two texts: The Mahamudra Instructions of Tipun Pema Chogyal and Notes on Mahamudra by Padma Karpo. These texts show us how to identify and respond to the many kinds of obstacles that can occur in practice. The aim of the retreat is to enable us to maintain calm, clear […]

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Equanimity and the pull of the five poisons. Frankfurt, 2019

Buddhist teaching day. Equanimity and the pull of the five poisons: the power of the five poisonous afflictions (mental dullness, desire, aversion, jealousy and pride) is very strong and each affliction can easily pull us away from grounded harmony and into the treacherous security of taking up a position. However equanimity is the great quality of the Middle Way avoiding extremes. Poised, dynamically balancing according to circumstances yet without bias in any direction, it reveals the freedom not to be at the mercy of the afflictions.

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