Take it easy. Teaching Retreat. Veciana Nov 2024

Take It Easy           This retreat will focus on relaxing our reliance on habitual patterns of dualistic involvement so that the self-liberation of all experience becomes clear.  We will go through Patrul Rinpoche’s short text Self-Liberating Understanding which is Chapter 10 in the book Simply Being. There will be Spanish translation of the teaching. The texts are […]

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Limitation is a Dream within the Ever-Open. Seville, May 2024

Limitation is a Dream within the Ever-Open This short retreat will focus on the Aspiration of Samantabhadra, a famous text which clarifies the nature of the primordial ground and the two paths which arise from it. These are the paths of confusion and limitation and the path of liberation. There will be a clear introduction to the nature of the […]

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Awakening here and now: mahamudra retreat. Veciana, Oct 2022

Awakening here and now: a mahamudra retreat. James Low James will be teaching using his book Sweet Simplicity.  This has been translated into Spanish by Mariana Orozco as Maravillosa Simplicidad. The teaching starts at 10 am on 3rd October and ends at 1pm on 9th October.  Some places are still available but please book soon (13 Sep 2022). A minibus […]

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The Mirror of luminous revelation, Aracena, 2016

This text comes from Nuden Dorje, the first incarnation of my own teacher, C R Lama. We believe that Nuden Dorje was himself an incarnation of one of the close disciples of Padmasambhava, and that Padmasambhava came directly from the pure heart of Amitabha.
Buddhist texts often include a history of how the text arose, from whom, where and when. To say that a text came directly from Padmasambhava or from the mind of another great teacher, what does this mean? Why should we trust it? Who should we trust? You come here and I am telling you a lot of things. Why should you trust me? If you trust there is a chance you will be cheated, but if you don’t trust it’s difficult to proceed.

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