6. metszet: CSAK EZ 

Facet 6 (Just this) of James Low’s book This Is It has been translated into Hungarian by Németh Tamás. 2021. június 12. Read and download it here. Ez az utolsó rész nagyon rövid, mégis pontosan rámutat mindannyiunk egyszerű, belső igazságára. Az előző metszetek az elemzés, a szimbolika és a kreatív képzelőerő segítségével világítottak rá arra, hogy hogyan, hányféleképpen rejtjük el […]

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Face to face

Facing the mystery of the face.  Face to Face Facing your face, receiving infinity, You are ceaselessly revealing As each moment of revelation unravels effortlessly Receiving this I am slipped free of the fetter of agency And find myself within unbounded revelation: You and I safely beyond our habitual assimilation into Concepts we have about each other Too vast and […]

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Virus Hiatus

The COVID-19 virus is interrupting all our lives in in the most unexpected ways. Death, however, is the biggest interrupter. This little poem begins: Now your life is interrupted Now your plans are not fulfilled Now you see life is no possession Now you see life happens as it will English original German by Frank Sandschulte and Yvonne Moss German […]

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