Welcome to our lineage! Article, Nov 2023

New Translation: Benvenuti! Welcome to our lineage! “Now that evermore people are making use of the website I offer some words of welcome and a brief introduction to how we are.” New translation in Italian by Francesca Fazzio. Uploaded 01 07 2024

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The Delusion of Duality is the Basis for War. Article, October 2023.

New Text: …When we look at the news concerning the many conflicts and wars that rage in every corner of our world it is unlikely that we will encounter a Dharma perspective on these tragedies. We hear about innocent good people on one side and cruel terrorists on the other. Who decides which terms to apply to which group? Also Translated in German and Portuguese. Uploaded 15 Nov 2023

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 Earth Vase project coordinated by Anna Bihler.

Earth Healing Anna has prepared for us these four texts about the project.  She begins, “It is increasingly obvious that major disturbances are occurring to the balance of the five elements within the constitution of all living beings and within the environment we inhabit. The water element has come under attack, and the fire element is overly increasing.  Pollution in […]

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Dharma ecology. 2023

Dharma ecology. James Low June 2023 If ‘the self’ is following the path then the journey is long and it requires great vigilance and determination to tame and cultivate the happenstance of the mind. If our actual freedom — the openness of the ground — is opened to then the unchanging ever-changing here and now requires no cultivation. Read and […]

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