Cutting free. Berlin 2011

Excerpt from the retreat “Cutting free without losing anything” held in Berlin, 7-8 May 2011

Transcribed by Jo Féat and Revised by James Low.

Read the excerpt:

in English

in German

Curved chopper (Tib. drigu), used in Chod practice

Curved chopper (Tib. drigu), used in Chod practice

“The third demon we need to cut is that of exaltation and excitement. It refers to the excited exhilarating relationship that we encourage towards our own experience.”

“Why would we want to cut something as exciting as this? Because the intoxication hides what is actually happening. Desire for one special thing blinds us to everything else. The object of excitement becomes foreground and everything else becomes invisible. If excited arousal becomes the identifying sign that life is good then most life situations will not be satisfying.”


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