Cognitive analytic therapy. Article, 2006

Handbook of counselling and psychotherapy. 2nd ed. London: Sage Publications, 2006. ISBN 1-4129-0275-4 Part 5, p. 317 – 322 Download as PDF Extract: Cognitive Analytic Therapy (widely known as CAT) was developed by Anthony Ryle in the 1980s while he was Consultant Psychotherapist at the United Medical and Dental Schools of Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospitals in London. This approach […]

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Garab Dorje’s Three Points. Eifel, 2005

James Low Transcribed by Jo Féat. Edited by Barbara Terris Translated by James as: Direct introduction on one’s real nature is the first essential point.To decide clearly on this one thing is the second essential point.Remaining with the confidence of liberation is the third essential point. And later as: Direct awakening to how it is.Doubt-free clarity that this is how […]

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Frei geboren: Du kannst mich nicht fangen, noch kann ich es. Gutenstein Retreat, 2005

Gutenstein Retreat, September 2005 James Low Download PDF Transkribiert und übersetzt von Johanna Stoll Editiert von Wendy Chozom Auszüge Vielmehr als der Geist ein Besitz des Selbst ist, ist das Selbst ein Konstrukt des Geistes. Wenn wir dies nicht realisieren wird die Offenheit oder Potentialität des Geistes durch eine enge Rückbestätigung und das Greifen nach einem Produkt des Geistes, dem Selbst, ignoriert. ཨ ཨ ཨ […]

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On anxiety. Eifel Autumn Retreat, 2005

Excerpts on anxiety taken from teachings given at Kamalashila during the Autumn Retreat 2005,  in the Eifel. Transcribed by Jo Féat (2009), edited by Barbara Terris (2011) German transcript by Petra
 Niehaus (2012)Italian transcript by Rita Gastaldi (2011) Excerpts …Some time ago I was looking at a little video for children. It was about an elephant who wanted to fly. […]

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Dzogchen nella vita di tutti i giorni. Cologne, 2005

Conferenza tenuta a Stadtraum, Colonia, Germania, 27 aprile 2005 James Low Download as PDF Traduzione dall’inglese, a cura di Rita Gastaldi, June 2011 Estratto Noi costruiamo, strato dopo strato, una grande “lasagna” di significati e come sapete, la lasagna è molto pesante. E’ ciò che facciamo con la nostra vita.

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Focusing and distraction [02]. Macclesfield, 2004

Macclesfield, 17th and 18th July 2004 Talk by James Low Transcribed by Gordon Ellis Edited by Wendy Chozom and James Low Read or Download the English Transcript Read or Download the German Transcript Sammlung und Ablenkung / Zerstreuung Listen to to the audio recording Excerpts: It is important to stay relaxed and open with any experience. It’s as if you were […]

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