Finding freedom at the bus stop [01]. Macclesfield, 2003

James Low Macclesfield, 8th November 2003 Transcribed by Gordon Ellis and Sarah Allen Edited by Wendy Chozom Read and download the transcript in English Read and download the transcript in Portuguese Listen to the audio here. Excerpt …There is no rule-book to tell us how to live; we are all flying by the seat of our pants. In this situation it’s best to […]

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Back to basics: the four basic reflections and refuge. Eifel 2001

Extracted from the start of the  Eifel Retreat, October 2001 James Low Download the PDF Transcribed by Sarah Allen Edited by Barbara Terris “Most of us who have been involved with buddhism for some time will have reflected a lot on impermanence, but it is never something to treat lightly.  It is the royal road to an understanding of stillness […]

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Reinigung im Hinayana Mahayana und Dzogchen. Eifel Retreat, Okt. 1997

Einschließlich Dorje Sempa, Machig Labdron und andere Meditationspraktiken, unter Verwendung von Aa, Phat! und Malerei. Am Ende des Artikels gibt es einen Anhang mit Anleitungen zu zahlreichen Praktiken, die auf dem Retreat gelehrt wurden. James Low Download PDF Eifel, Deutschland, Herbst-Retreat. 10 – 14. Oktober 1997 Redigiert von Robert Jaroslawski. Übertragung ins Deutsche von Vera Neuroth Anmerkungen des Herausgebers: James […]

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