Let the mind play. Zoom, Jan 2021

James Low Zoom talk, 27th January 2021 Transcribed by Paula Aranibar Read the transcript here Excerpts …In Canada and Sweden people chop down trees and float them downriver. Sometimes they jam and have to be released by men running on top of the logs and prodding them free so that they flow like the river.  It’s the same in meditation. […]

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Introduction to Dzogchen. Zoom, March 2021

James Low An Introduction to Dzogchen 31 March 2021 Zoom talk given for Oxford Internal Arts at the request of Gio Maschio. The talk explains the traditional categories of View, Meditation, Conduct (sometimes referred to as Action, or Path) and Result. Then follows advice about sitting meditation and the transition from formal meditation to moving out into the world (sometimes […]

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Ethical action in emptiness. Zoom. Nov 2020

Ethical action in emptiness. James Low Zoom 18th November 2020 Edited by Barbara Terris How to act for the benefit of others and the environment while maintaining a calm clear ethical effectiveness? This is a question that should confront all Buddhists since the suffering of others is our concern. The tension of duality that drives the structures of samsara including […]

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The Expansive oral instructions of … Chetsangpa Ratna Sri Buddhi

Translated by James Low and included in his book Simply Being in Part 1: The Translations.  These revised translations (with notes) were prepared for Zoom teachings in 2021. Extract Although one may have great faith in and longing for the dharma, if one does not meet with an accomplished guru, then the dharma that one practises will be difficult to […]

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