Tulku Tsultrim Zangpo (Tulku Tshulo). The Lamp Clarifying Meditation
The lamp clarifying the essentials of the way of meditation
This short text was written by Tulku Tsultrim Zangpo, also known as Tulku Tsulo or Tulku Tshulo. He was the main teacher of CR Lama.
The English text is included in the book Finding Freedom: Texts from the Theravadin, Mahayana and Dzogchen Buddhist traditions by James Low, published in 2019 by Wandel Verlag and can be bought here.

Photo by Janek Szlagowski Nepal 2024
The English can be read here.
The Polish translation by Jan Szlagowski, Lampa rozjaśniająca podstawy ścieżki medytacji, of the text can be read here.
The Portuguese translation by João Vale Neto, A Lâmpada que clarifica o essencial do caminho da meditação, of the text can be read here.
The Turkish translation by Mustafa Mert Çelebi, Meditasyon Yolunun Esaslarini Aydinlatan Işik, of the text can be read here.