The world as the creative expression of emptiness. Gutenstein Retreat, 2012

James Low
Maitreya Institut, Gutenstein, Austria
6 – 10 June 2012.
Organised by Sylvester and Li Lohninger

Retreat description:Teachings based on a short text by Vairocana called The Cuckoo’s cry heralding the good fortune of glorious presence (or The Song of the Cuckoo).
The infinite diversity of experiences and their actual nature are non-dual.
Yet the actuality of each particular occurence is beyond judgement. What is known ‘as it is’ is untouched by thought yet the forms of appearance are unobstructed, being complete as they are. Being intact, we are free of the sickness of effort, spontaneously abiding, and so everything is settled.

Teachings transcribed by Deniz Csernoklavek and edited by Jennifer Lewis.

Download the transcript

Shiné practice. page 4
Vipassana practice. page 10
Nine step breathing instruction. page 15
Hung practice. page 19
Basic principles of dzogchen. page 27
The Cuckoo’s cry. page 35

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