Repelling all troubles

With the commotion and confusion that has arisen from the military invasion of the Ukraine the consequences of violence and war have become obvious. When we follow the middle way we neither turn away from problems nor merge into them. Here is a short practice text  (dog-pa ཟློག་པ) that you can do to help stay calm and clear in the […]

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Repelling all troubles. The Dokpa practice text

New Translation: En particular, podemos recitar los siguientes textos breves para avivar nuestra comprensión del Dharma y utilizar el poder de la no-dualidad expuesto en el Sutra del Corazón para repeler los engaños dualistas del agresor. Translated into Spanish by Isabel Defez. Uploaded 15 02 2023

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Praying for Peace

New Translation: The latest translation of James’ Prayer for Peace is in Italian, Preghiera per la Pace, translated by Francesca. Uploaded 05 05 2024. It is now translated by SBSangha into Dutch, German, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese Russian, Spanish and Turkish.

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A Prayer for Peace

Translations: This prayer for peace has moved individuals to come forward with translations in Dutch, German, Hindi, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Turkish.

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6. metszet: CSAK EZ 

Facet 6 (Just this) of James Low’s book This Is It has been translated into Hungarian by Németh Tamás. 2021. június 12. Read and download it here. Ez az utolsó rész nagyon rövid, mégis pontosan rámutat mindannyiunk egyszerű, belső igazságára. Az előző metszetek az elemzés, a szimbolika és a kreatív képzelőerő segítségével világítottak rá arra, hogy hogyan, hányféleképpen rejtjük el […]

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