Virus Hiatus

The COVID-19 virus is interrupting all our lives in in the most unexpected ways. Death, however, is the biggest interrupter. This little poem begins: Now your life is interrupted Now your plans are not fulfilled Now you see life is no possession Now you see life happens as it will English original German by Frank Sandschulte and Yvonne Moss German […]

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Funken, 2016

”Sparks” [Funken] is a selection of poems and short writings by James Low on various dharma topics. They can be read in any order. The first 29 have been translated by Kate Egetmeyer into German under the helpful guidance of Lea Pabst.  Download or read a PDF of Sparks (Funken) in German Download or read a PDF of Sparks (Funken) in English

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Sparks: items 1-29, 2016

‘Sparks’ is a selection of poems and short writings by James Low on various dharma topics. They can be read in any order. Click on Sparks to read them all. Numbers 1-29 are writings with individual titles. The remainder are brief extracts from talks and mostly grouped by topic.  They total 314, as at November 2016. More may be added later. Click here to read […]

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Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! Poem. Eifel, 2005

Written by James Low during a Kamalashila Retreat, on the occasion of his birthday, 30 April 2005. Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! Erste Geburt  Bei der Geburt willkommen geheißen von meinem Karma vergaß ich, wer ich war Bei der Geburt willkommen geheißen von Konzepten habe ich nie meine Konditionierung vergessen Bei der Geburt willkommen geheißen von meinen Eltern habe ich nie meine […]

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