Texts and Resources to Prepare for and Support the Padmasambhava Empowerment in Jan 2023

James writes

To prepare for the initiation, I suggest you read Chapters 1, 2, 3 and 4 of my book, Simply Being.  These chapters are being made available for you on my website.  You can also strengthen your connection with the practice by reading my book Lotus Source and the book Being Guru Rinpoche, which has been translated into French, German, Polish and Spanish.

Each stage of the initiation will be explained so that you can participate fully. Traditionally initiations were given face to face.  In these challenging times we will make use of Zoom.  We must all trust the power of Padmasambhava to ensure that we are authentically empowered to do the practice.

This is a rare opportunity and so if you wish to receive the empowerment you need to make arrangements to attend for the entire two days.

The practice text will be available for you to download after the main initiation on Saturday.

Reading material to help you prepare for the initiation is being added here as it becomes available.


Refuge and Bodhisattva Vows Extracts from LLL for PS Initiation BT JL 20 01 2023

Simply Being Text Chapter 1 Revised 22 12 2022

Simply Being Text Chapter 2 Revised BT JL 17 11 2018

 Simply Being Text Chapter 3 for PS Initiation BT JL Revised 24 Feb 2019 

Simply Being Text Chapter 4 for PS Initiation Revised BT JL 13 09 2018

Refuge prayer: Sang Gye Cho Dang

Sa Zhi offering prayer to say whilst doing the mudra

Prostration text from the Khordong Lineage


Simply Being German Chs 1-4, Intro, Contents and cover AR 23 11 2022

Refuge and Bodhisattva Vows Extracts from LLL for PS Initiation German & English RJ 23 11 2022

Refuge and Bodhisattva Vows Extracts from LLL for PS Initiation German RJ 20 11 2023

Refuge Prayer: Sang Gye Cho Dang. German

Sa Zhi offering prayer to say whilst doing the mudra. German


Simply Being Polish JJ-Rain Chs 1-4 for PS Initiation

Sa Zhi mandala offering prayer to say whilst doing the mudra. Polish

Refuge Prayer: Sang Gye Cho Dang. Polish


Simply Being Chapter 1 Portuguese 02 08 2022

Simply Being Chapter 2 Portuguese 02 08 2022

Simply Being Chapter 3 Portuguese Revised 24 Feb 2019

Simply Being Chapter 4 Portuguese Revised 13 09 2018


Votos de Refúgio e Bodisatva Português MP JVN 03 12 2022

Lotus Source Preface and Introduction Portuguese JVN Dec 2022. 

Sa Zhi offering prayer to say whilst doing the mudra. Portuguese

Sang Gye Cho Dang refugio e bodicita Portuguese JVN 13 01 2023



Text 1 Final pg.21-41 Marta Perez-Yarza

Text 2 final pg 42-49 Marta Perez-Yarza

Text 3- Final.50-54 Marta Perez-Yarza

Text 4 Final pg 55-63 Marta Perez-Yarza

Sang Gye Cho Dang Refuge & Bodhicitta 06 04 2021_Spanish

This is the offering mudra to learn. The 4 line offering prayer to say whilst doing the mudra is in your language, above.  Sa Zhi offering prayer to say whilst doing the mudra

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